meet the doctor

Integrative Medicine Annapolis MD Chiropractor Daniel Johns

Integrative Medicine Practitioner

Daniel Johns D.C., F.I.A.M.A, CERT D.N.

Dr. Johns career trajectory took a sharp turn when in June of 2022 he developed a rapid onset muscle disease that hospitalized him for 6 days and took him out of practice for 9+ months. During that time he sought out the best of the best trying to get answers for what was happening to him.

No one was able to identify what started the disease or give a definitive diagnosis beyond an autoimmune disease attacking the muscle. He had rapid severe muscle wasting and was unable to open packages or water bottles. He had to rely on a wheelchair for any walking beyond 100 yards and was told he would be fully wheelchair-bound within 5 years. Due to his weakened immune system, he also developed severe mold toxicity in conjunction with the autoimmune disorder. Dr. Johns was finally able to find some doctors who were able to offer some “out of the box” treatments that started making a difference with his fatigue, brain fog, and some small changes in his muscle strength. This started him on a quest to figure out a cure for autoimmunity.

Then one day he tried Intravenous Blood Irradiation and his life changed! Two days after his first session he was at his son's birthday party and had energy enough to not only bounce on trampolines with his son but throw him and other kids into a ball pit for several minutes. This was when things really turned a corner for both his health and his understanding of immunity.

Dr. Johns has used his experience to develop protocols that changed his autoimmunity, his brain fog, fatigue, and joint pains. With a new lease on life and back to his energy-filled ways Dr. Johns is committed to helping others who suffer from autoimmune diseases, mold toxicity, chronic fatigue, brain fog, and helping people literally reclaim their lives.


9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Elevate Life

1730 West St #105
Annapolis, MD 21401

(410) 268-3333